Zirui Zhao

ziruiz [AT] comp.nus.edu.sg
ryan_zzr [AT] outlook.com

Zirui Zhao is a PhD student in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. Wee Sun Lee. He also works closely with Prof. David Hsu. He is doing research on decision-making, reasoning, and their intersections with Machine Learning. During his PhD study, he worked as a research intern at Salesforce, hosted by Hanze Dong, Amrita Saha, and Doyen Sahoo. He received his Bachelor's Degree at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He used to work with Prof. Pengju Ren during his undergrad study and Prof. Ding Zhao when visiting CMU.

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I am particularly interested in teaching, especially in the field of AI. I have been a teaching assistant for CS1010E (Programming Methodology), CS3245 (Information Retrieval), and teaching tutorials of CS3263 (Foundations of Artificial Intelligence) for two consecutive semesters. I was selected for the Teaching Fellowship Award in AY23/24-Sem1.

Adapted from Jon Barron